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January 18, 2023


Thank you for signing up for the Auschwitz Institute e-mail list! We will keep you informed about our work building genocide prevention leadership worldwide. Please consider also making a donation to support our programs. We would not be here without you. Thank you once again for your help! ### **Luate Charles Wani, Human Rights Officer, Gender Committee, South Sudan Human Rights Commission, South Sudan** "I want to take this opportunity to inform you that I have just participated in a conference on small arms and light weapons control, organized by the Bureau of Community and Small Arms Control here in Juba. The conference brought delegations from Uganda and Burundi together to share experiences on issues of armament and disarmament in the Great Lakes region. They mentioned some factors (drivers) that promote armament in the region. I was happy that I was given a chance to point out the dangers of having illegal arms in the hands of civilians, which in fact are some of the risks, early warnings and indicators that will incite violence and therefore genocide in future. I made a strong recommendation for the Government through the Bureau of Community and Small Arms Control to take measures on how to check and address the issue of arms proliferation across the borders to avoid genocide from occurring. I am really grateful to you for having made it possible for me to participate in the Lemkin Seminar, where I learned a lot in regards to genocide prevention. I will always champion and find a way of disseminating information on genocide when given the chance or not. I felt it was important to share with you this information because you trained me on this and made me unique among people. God bless the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and the entire staff for the tremendous work they are doing for world peace." Once again, the entire staff of the Auschwitz Institute thanks you for your donation!
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de política e resumos sobre prevenção

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Relatórios de pesquisa e white papers

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Além de lembrar os kits de ferramentas

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Documentos da SNCF

Preenchendo o Silêncio: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory (Um Estudo sobre a História Corporativa do Holocausto e a Natureza da Memória Corporativa)
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Instituto Auschwitz Relatórios anuais

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Recursos de treinamento

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Livreto sobre Mecanismos Nacionais para Prevenção de Genocídio e outros Crimes de Atrocidade (2015-2018)

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Relatórios anuais da Rede Latino-Americana de Prevenção de Genocídios e Atrocidades em Massa

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Histórias de impacto

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