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January 18, 2023

States Gather in Dar es Salaam to Build Constituency for Atrocity Prevention

NEW YORK, March 20, 2013 – Auschwitz Institute Executive Director Tibi Galis (standing far left in photo) attended the [High Level Working Meeting on Prevention of Atrocities]( March 18–20 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The theme of the meeting, organized by the Swiss and Tanzanian governments, was “Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect: Towards a Community of Commitment; Building Common Ground and Strengthening Complementarity.” In his contribution, Galis noted, "The Latin American Network ’s progress in creating national structures for genocide and mass atrocity prevention was one of the determining starting points in this High Level Working Meeting and, thanks to Argentina’s, Costa Rica’s and AIPR’s contributions to the discussion, it provided a model for finding ways to build a critical constituency of states that prioritize mass atrocity prevention." The meeting in Dar es Salaam explored: 1. Learning and practical approaches to: - Preventing mass atrocities: What actions should states take once they commit to prevention? - Preventing and protecting: Lessons learned, lessons to be learned, good practice by states - Building national strategies and structures for prevention: What are the key elements needed to transform policy into practice? 2\. What steps should be taken to advance the atrocity prevention agenda at the practical level? Attending the meeting were representatives of Argentina (Silvia Cao, May 2012 Lemkin Seminar alumna), Australia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Switzerland, Tanzania (Felistas Mushi, November 2012 Lemkin Seminaralumna), the [International Conference on the Great Lakes Region]( , the [United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect]( (a long-standing partner of AIPR), and several civil society organizations, including AIPR partners the [Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect]( and the[International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect](
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de política e resumos sobre prevenção

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Relatórios de pesquisa e white papers

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Além de lembrar os kits de ferramentas

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Documentos da SNCF

Preenchendo o Silêncio: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory (Um Estudo sobre a História Corporativa do Holocausto e a Natureza da Memória Corporativa)
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Instituto Auschwitz Relatórios anuais

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Recursos de treinamento

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Livreto sobre Mecanismos Nacionais para Prevenção de Genocídio e outros Crimes de Atrocidade (2015-2018)

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Relatórios anuais da Rede Latino-Americana de Prevenção de Genocídios e Atrocidades em Massa

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Histórias de impacto

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