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January 18, 2023


In coordination with the office of the Ombudsman, a national initiative has been proposed to include genocide prevention as a chapter in the Human Rights Manual, which is scheduled to be implemented in 2013 throughout all national governmental institutions, as well as Diplomatic Academies, civil society (NGOs) and the Armed forces. There is also a National Education Program being developed that will offer human rights education specifically to college graduates and the general population. The Office of the Ombudsman also proposes to include genocide prevention into this National Education Program. The Viceminister of Human Rights has informed AIPR that both of these initiatives are being strongly considered, and that they hope to establish a proposal they can present to their superiors to have the curriculum included in both the Human Rights Manual and the National Education Program. They have suggested that their experts add to the curriculum a localized “chapter” devoted to Honduras and its history, and the specific ways in which this curriculum can be applied to Honduras.
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de política e resumos sobre prevenção

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Relatórios de pesquisa e white papers

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Além de lembrar os kits de ferramentas

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Documentos da SNCF

Preenchendo o Silêncio: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory (Um Estudo sobre a História Corporativa do Holocausto e a Natureza da Memória Corporativa)
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Instituto Auschwitz Relatórios anuais

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Recursos de treinamento

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Livreto sobre Mecanismos Nacionais para Prevenção de Genocídio e outros Crimes de Atrocidade (2015-2018)

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Relatórios anuais da Rede Latino-Americana de Prevenção de Genocídios e Atrocidades em Massa

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