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May 9, 2023


The Good Practices at the Intersection of SDG 16 and Mass Atrocity Prevention study examines how governmental efforts to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies can support the early prevention of mass identity-based violence, and vice versa. The study builds on existing knowledge to highlight where and how government officials from the largest international development supporting states in East Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania view the nexus between SDG 16 and mass atrocity prevention.

This research will also identify good governmental practices that states can reference to both improve existing early prevention programming or develop SDG 16-related programs that also advance the goals of atrocity prevention. In doing so, this study points to the importance of policy makers applying an atrocity prevention lens as they develop, implement, and evaluate new and existing approaches to international development programming globally.

Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de política e resumos sobre prevenção

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Documentos da SNCF

Preenchendo o Silêncio: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory (Um Estudo sobre a História Corporativa do Holocausto e a Natureza da Memória Corporativa)
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Recursos de treinamento

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Livreto sobre Mecanismos Nacionais para Prevenção de Genocídio e outros Crimes de Atrocidade (2015-2018)

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Relatórios anuais da Rede Latino-Americana de Prevenção de Genocídios e Atrocidades em Massa

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