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January 18, 2023

Auschwitz Institute President Receives Award for Raising Awareness of Genocide

New York, April 16, 2012 – Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) president Fred Schwartz [received]( the Susan J. Herman Award this month from the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College. The Cohen Center presents the award each year to recognize individuals for their efforts to raise awareness of genocide. Mr. Schwartz, who founded AIPR in 2007, said: "The mission of the Auschwitz Institute is the building of worldwide leadership for the prevention of genocide, and I feel that this tremendous honor I have been granted demonstrates that our work has been more successful than I could ever possibly have imagined."
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de política e resumos sobre prevenção

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Relatórios de pesquisa e white papers

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Além de lembrar os kits de ferramentas

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Documentos da SNCF

Preenchendo o Silêncio: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory (Um Estudo sobre a História Corporativa do Holocausto e a Natureza da Memória Corporativa)
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Instituto Auschwitz Relatórios anuais

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Recursos de treinamento

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Livreto sobre Mecanismos Nacionais para Prevenção de Genocídio e outros Crimes de Atrocidade (2015-2018)

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Relatórios anuais da Rede Latino-Americana de Prevenção de Genocídios e Atrocidades em Massa

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